Limited Time Gift Opportunities Due to Low IRS Discount Rate
The IRS Discount Rate is the lowest it has been in history. This creates special gift planning opportunities to allow you to support Ladew Topiary Gardens while getting extra benefits for you and your family. Here are some of the exciting opportunities:
- More Tax-Free Income From A Charitable Gift Annuity: When the discount rate goes down, the amount of tax-free income from a charitable gift annuity goes up! Click here to learn more about a charitable gift annuity with
Ladew Topiary Gardens.
- More Inheritance for Your Children or Grandchildren: One of the most common estate planning goals we hear from those subject to the estate tax is their desire to maximize the assets they can pass to their children or grandchildren while still supporting our mission. The tool we use to help you do that is called a charitable lead trust. When the discount rate is low, it makes it easier to get more to your children or grandchildren at reduced estate tax cost. Click here to learn more about a Charitable Lead Trust.